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Cosmic Balance/Divine Bridegroom

Pre-conceived opinion comes from beliefs and makes it nearly impossible to change to the slightest degree. It is this foolish investment which each of us is afraid to let go that bonds us to same. So rather than accept what is new, most people reject all even if it contains the truth. In the case of a belief that you hold, that you are conscious about, have the intention of subjecting yourself to strict examination. Access what you want to change, by including the possibility that it might be incomplete and benefit by the expansion of your new truth. Now as children, we all accept a great majority of indoctrinating truth which is accepted by the subconscious mind by our acceptance and trusting nature. This empowers the so call beliefs to run in the background of our minds like a pilot light in your oven in the kitchen. It is always on.

So our lives are built on the wrong foundation and will continually run like a computer without the ability to change. Change will only comes by focus attention on intent which will be energized by the feelings generated by action so it is now wise to take action. Growth can only take place when you dissociated from closed and limiting beliefs through meditation. Meditation allows dissociation and analysis of new wisdom which will expand your consciousness and identity. With self-inquiry we knock at the door of a new perception which opens to a new consciousness. By being focused and opened mind to new perceptions, one is able to listen to the inner teacher which will guide everyone to the true identity of who you are and what you could become.

It is by stilling the mind in meditation which will lead everybody to discover and utilize the origin of power, health, happiness, courage and zeal to build for yourself the life of your dreams. Your individualized self-consciousness is within the core of your being. The trick is how to harmonize the activity of the individual consciousness with that of the universal consciousness. This is achieved by merging the heart and mind together and at the same time taken guidance from what you feel and start to communicate the potentialities of what could exist, will start to manifest. This leads to harmony of thoughts through feeling which will result in right action and deed. So you see, we actually perceive the world within by our intuition and imagination and we should be capable of listening to the voice of our own spirit self not one’s own fear based mind. It is the fear based thoughts which create a total false perception by the ego who does not want to listen to it own spirit self. It is the ego’s impatient of wants and lack of understanding that we are all one. Instead, it uses the intellect to give it life and survival. At the same time it creates a sense of lack and deficient ideas that human being are not enough and forgetting the pure soul within, which is the Christ Self of infinite consciousness and is eternal.

So the world due to its lack of attention to meditation has failed to resurrect the consciousness that was to be shared among everyone within the mind of our heavenly parents. The natural order of creation has been reversed due to this failure. Instead of the Christ mind we have in its place the Antichrist. We create instead with our present limited helpless and ignorant understanding of our own give minds. It is like having a battered up car that is used while you let the BMW auto mobile sit because you are unaware of the beauty and power that you possess.

To expand your consciousness, blend your energy with that of the spiritual world and it would be wise to be desirous of this practice. Desire creates attraction and like attracts like. In the coming years, many will be anointed with the Baptism of Fire. To explain Baptism, Jesus uses the story of the Bride and the Groom at the marriage of Cana. I believe and have realized within myself as truth that this was the descending masculine and feminine dual force melting at the heart and creating a Diamond heart consciousness where all facets of the diamond are pure, immaculate and of the one energy which is LOVE. It is as the bride and groom unite in a mystical union and divine conception takes place, wherein the spiritual embryo is conceived and the infant Christ child is born around the pure self within the soul. I have experience this as the masculine force descending and the feminine force arising and expand the heart and the ability to LOVE. Love unconditional becomes a mind-set.

What is the meaning of the Divine Bridegroom as was spoken by Jesus? It is my understanding “that all that is” caused a vibration of duality of its oneness or “One Being” into subjective and objective natures, at every level of its being. This created a polarity of positive or negative streams of vibration. Hence God is universal spirit, universal mind, and the totality of all embodiments in creation. There for not separate from creation but all inclusive. So if you accept this. It follows that God is both objective and subject on every level of its being.

When God said let there be light, it was the projected idea that was accepted into its own feminine aspect that created the only begotten son” The Christ consciousness”. Child of Spirit which is eternal and is life. This was the First coming of Christ. It was in fact the perfect idea. Now when we take this down to the level of this manifest world we notice the two complementary ways to create have been lost in translation. The dual nature of our being has been denied and the false Christ of our own focus of fear and fear related issues have been projected into this world using God substance and this is fuelled by our bonding by the universal law of attraction. We stay bonded to the limited lives we live. God is eternal and so are you. You are constantly creating form and manifesting your creations. This is either consciously or unconsciously. What has been thought into existence is. Since you are a belief your belief limits what you imagine.

It is only when the two become one; this knowing becomes conscious of its nature and its purpose. It is only recently that humankind has started to look at the process of creation and now visionaries have started to come into their own. I know you all heard about” the Secret” This is but a beginning of new wisdom which will change the world we live in. You who have been searching for truth are on the threshold of the greatest discovery in this century. What will take place very soon will be a massive awakening as the Christ light and the diamond heart awareness expands to all life.

“FAITH is assurance of thing hoped for”. Intellectual faith admits doubt; Spiritual faith includes unfailing assurance and immediate response”. At the beginning of your work, these two attitudes of faith are often observed acting and reacting upon each other. Faith boosts the spoken word, so the word faith has an inner force. Words of faith set energy in action. When the centre of faith is activated, an idea in the mind of man (individual) connects him/her through faith with almighty energy. This faith centre within the pineal gland develops strong faith in “everything is possible”.

By affirming the activity of this super power, it will merge you to All That Is (Christ Consciousness). This ability is near impossible without stilling the mind the never rests. So meditation is advisable to experience the now moment. FAITH is the assurance or confidence within the mind brought about by devotion to seeking the truth that a particular thing or ideal will happen. Metaphysically, I have understood that the vibration of light that mind is able to expresses at its awareness level, always takes into account what the mind accepts as truth. Since then, my awareness of the indwelling Son of God consciousness “Christ consciousness”, the only begotten Son or Child of Spirit is living in my heart as the Inner Teacher

This passion is the spirit within you, which endeavours to accomplish great things. Remember Jesus words, “Greater things should you do, that I have done”. To become intimate with spirit is the goal of everybody. But when our focus is on anything but on attention to spirit, we feel the absenteeism of spirit. This diverts the search to outside of us. It would have been wise had we searched for this intimacy with all our heart. Indeed with our entire mind and all our strength. Instead we settle for the intimacy with one another. We always attract to ourselves what lesson that the heart wants us to learn. “Intimum” in Latin means interior, which is explained as the inner core of our being. It is within the interior of our being that the spark of the Christ Self is waiting to develop, so it is like the “mustard seed “and will grow up to be magnificent and do great things.

Because of the fall from grace, or the loss of paradise from the Garden of Eden, yourself conscious being has the ability of free will and the ability to choose beliefs through feeling and action. It is the choice of putting your thoughts before the feelings which creates the apparent reality that we presently have. Instead I tried to put my feelings of love before any thought and allow through non-resistance from my mind, by guiding the ideas to a place of acceptance and create better thoughts through love. This made me look at consciousness and the method of thinking that had been handed down from generation to generation. It is when the individualized energy of information is diluted down with fear that we as co-creators materialized our very thoughts.

These thoughts are fueled by the emotion of fear or love. Remember, communication is always available in the silence within. This is where you will receive the wisdom and you can apply this new understanding of basic universal laws to your life. It is by stilling the mind in meditation, which will lead everybody to discover and utilize the origin of power, health, happiness, courage and zeal to build for yourself the life of your dreams. Your individualized self-consciousness is within the core of your being. The trick is how to harmonize the activity of the individual consciousness with that of the universal consciousness. Whereby you access the diamond heart of God and start developing trust with the all-powerful aspect of the power you possess. Where you know all are one and pure.

This is achieved by merging the heart and mind together and at the same time taken guidance from what you feel and start to communicate the potentialities of what could exist, will start to manifest. This leads to harmony of thoughts through feeling which will result in right action and deed. So you see, we actually perceive the world within by our intuition and imagination and we should be capable of listening to the voice of our own spirit self not one’s own fear based mind. It is the fear based thoughts which create a total false perception by the ego who does not want to listen to it own spirit self. It is the ego’s impatient of wants and lack of understanding that we are all one. Instead, it uses the intellect to give it life and survival. At the same time it creates a sense of lack and deficient ideas that human being are not enough and forgetting the pure soul within, which is the Christ Self of infinite consciousness and is eternal.

So the world due to its lack of attention to meditation has failed to resurrect the consciousness that was to be shared among everyone within the mind of our heavenly parents. The natural order of creation has been reversed due to this failure. Instead of the Christ mind we have in its place the Antichrist. We create instead with our present limited helpless and ignorant understanding of our own give minds. It is like having a battered up car that is used while you let the BMW sit because you are unaware of the beauty and power that you possess.

It is by awaken the astral centres of the spine that truth of ascension in consciousness can be experienced through the intuition and perceive new wisdom that allow the Christ Consciousness be able to be received. In order to be able to receive the gift of the holy spirit it would be wise to empty out all your misconceived ideas that have be accepted by the fearful mind. When one is able to be filled with the creative vibration of Holy Spirit, one realizes that the choice of disregarding the parental divine consciousness and excepting the limiting fear and imperfection of this world is a monstrous error that have been handed down from generation to generation and accepted as truth, one always wants to return home.

Once you embraced the feelings and cultivated them, love becomes a reality in your life. But if you allow the logic to produce thought, Fearful thoughts will dilute down the feeling of love. What you focus on will manifest into your life. Hence, you associated love to be within the other person. That assumption related to the subconscious mind that you alone were not enough. So your search for love was always directed outside of yourself. While in fact, you are the immaculate soul which is perfect individual, unique and its nature is love. This love has no boundaries but to love unconditional.

At some point in the future, the Christ Self will be a reality for you. You will not know the hour and the time when this will happen. But know this, that once you start the spiritual path, this is your destination. This allows you to have an inner knowing of love, peace and joy. This will be felt within your heart and will expand out from you through your heart. The Christ Self will lead you to a greater wisdom of who you are. A shift in consciousness will bring you to a realization and a new awareness of the “I AM PRESENCE”. At this point, the thoughts you experience are backed with the ability to know truth for yourself. As the vibration of love increases, you will be left with no doubt about the reality of knowing the presence within you. Then gradually over time, with determination, practice and allowing, you will one day arrive to the understanding of universal consciousness. It is with the wisdom of this level of consciousness, that your God Self will identify itself with an individual vibration and the name. The name will be communicated to you within the silence within yourself, and the knowing will prompt you to say the name out loud. Once you repeat the name, the power of power within the throat chakra will express that name with extreme ecstasy and joy.

It is within meditation that we are subjective to our inner nature. I know this as I have become subjective to the Christ self within my heart, who in turn becomes subjective to my I Am presence and other Masters who feed and express wisdom and love to me. I listen. This internal marriage brings for me very real feelings of extreme ecstasy and joy. My mind connects to infinite wisdom and a wonderful knowing of peace leaves lingering presences within my being.

The Second coming of Christ will be in you when your consciousness is one with the omnipresence positive consciousness of spirit unite with the negative vibration of cosmic nature. So by becoming one with the Christ intelligence all will know love. At this point Self-realization will embrace truth and the recipient will feel within their being an outpouring of measured love and grace that leave you in no doubt of the love and wisdom that the all loving Father Mother God will bestow upon you.

By: Thomas McAuliffe

1 thought on “Cosmic Balance/Divine Bridegroom”

  1. Olive Grogan

    Can’t say I understood everything I need to ponder on it and read again pretty fascinating for sure I did understood a lot of things that I really needed to know so delighted with that I liked ur views on so many things that recently I’ve been struggling with..meditation for one ..I’ve been lax with that but I’m viewing it differently now and looking forward to blending with spirit..I’m a libra and ud think I understood balance but truly I don’t…after reading this I might understand better uve given me lots to think about thank hou 💜

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